In my magical world of perfectness, I could be content with my house was stunningly decorated for Christmas. It would be traditional but quirky; a little bit like me. Picture Anne of Green Gables meets Munchkin Land. Cookies (calorie free of course) would always be coming out of the oven. Christmas music would be playing softly in the background. No crooners. Only songs that offered a sense of calm and delight.
Pine needles never fell to the floor, tinsel knew it’s place, and the tape never disappeared under the wrapping paper. Family and friends would come and go as they pleased. Crackling would come from our non-existent fireplace and hot mochas with whipped cream and peppermint would be forever accessible. Oh yea, and it would 50 degrees and snowing out side.
Ok, now that we’ve gone to la la land, let’s come back to reality.
I haven’t decorated the house yet mostly because it feels like a chore. Actually, we are in disarray mode presently. We bought our tree, set it up, and realized we have no lights for it. Ba hum bug! You think I would have remembered throwing them away last year. Instead of a tidy and festive living room, we have 4 bins of Christmas decor, musty stockings, gift bags and outside lights strewn all over our carpet. A window display sits half-finished and there are scraps from that project all over the kitchen table. Sheesh!
I’ve traded my apples for pine cones, and the dog can’t seem to decide which one she enjoys chewing on more. I’m fairly confident there won’t be any outside decor happening. Except of course for my pumpkins that have yet to rot away.
My favorite holiday cookie, if I could only have one, just went into the freezer; the place I put things I have no self control over. My house smells like nothing because I’ve baked nothing. Most of the time when I hear Christmas music it’s All I want for Christmas and Santa Baby. There’s nothing like a Christmas song that makes you feel dirty.
So, I’m not saying all of this to complain, actually just the opposite. I’m saying this because we don’t live in a magazine. I’ve embraced the crazy and can be content in it. Good things do come from this season. Sometimes they are packaged and sometimes we have to seek them.
Instead of stressing ourselves out, chasing the joy that is supposed to be so prevalent this season, ask yourself these questions as I recently have. There’s a lot of freedom to be found in them.
How can I best honor Jesus in this holiday?
What truth can I hold on to that will change the way I celebrate?
Wouldn’t it be incredible if I actually got to know Jesus a bit better this Christmas?
Maybe you’ve all done that, but for me, it is a new thing. I invite you to join me in clinging to Jesus as we go into the next few weeks. What if we actually spent time, quieted our hearts, and created enough margin to hear the Spirit, and draw closer to our Savior? What will he teach us if we simply ask? What will we be shown to us if we chase Jesus instead of a holiday?
Wouldn’t this freedom be a truly an incredible gift?
Seek him. Seek him. Seek Jesus above all else.
Ask, and it will be given to you.
Seek, and you will find.
Knock, and the door[a]will be opened to you.
Matthew 7:7
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